Mengurai Kompleksitas Hubungan Islam, HAM dan Barat

Supiyanto Abdi
2002 Unisia  
Based on explanation regarding the complex relationship between Islam, Human Rights and West, this article discusses and o^ers two important main points: (i) the respectingfor human rights is gracefulness ideal notfor Islam only but alsofor all of religion and human kind, (2) the best paradigm of International relationship and especially between Islam and west is not clash or conflict but dialogue approach. In term ofdialog, West on the one hand does not view Islam in zero-sum opposition to
more » ... its values and civilization. In many cases covering the notions of humanity that stated in Human Rights Declaration of United Nation Organization, Islam and West have many similarities. Particularly the values ofIslam that ever appliedin the golden age ofIslam. On the other hand, Moslem does not trap and regard western in this re gard. *Sebuah polling opini publik terbesar yang dilakukan Majelis Umum PBB tahun lalu (2001) untuk mengetahui pendapat umum tentang apa yang seharusnya menjadi prioritas utama PBB di milenium baru menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas penduduk dari semua negara, semua latar belakang, usia dan pekeijaan menilai pelrindungan HAM sebagai tugas PBB paling utama.
doi:10.20885/unisia.vol25.iss44.art6 fatcat:gvrrfvrjbvh7jfvwtl3lc34ady