The Morphology of Nano-MgO Particles Induced by Attapulgite

Pan Meiling, Li Zhou, Wang Yihong
2012 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Material Science   unpublished
In this paper, a new way to prepare controlled nano-MgO with different morphology facilely by using modified attapulgite as hard template was found. The morphology details were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the morphology of nano-MgO particles was induced by the ratio of attapulgite versus Mg 2+ . The lamella morphology of MgO was converted to sphere particles, then the rod-like and needle-like or fiber-like shape, while the content of attapulgite was raised.
doi:10.2991/mems.2012.14 fatcat:dc6du2qpl5fl7kqb3iapsr7kne