Infrared Spectrum for the New Exobiological Nanomolecules Asi, Csi, Tsi and Gsi

Ricardo Gobato, Alireza Heidari, Lauro Figueroa Valverde, Abhijit Mitra
2021 Sumerianz journal of scientific research  
The core of the work is based on the replacement of carbon atoms by silicon atoms, on the basis of four standard bases of DNA: A, C, G and T (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine). Determining with minimum computational methods via ab initio Hartree-Fock methods, infrared spectrum and their peak absorbance frequencies. The option for simple replacement of carbon by silicon is due to the peculiar characteristics between both. Atomic interactions under non-carbon conditions were studied, with only
more » ... the Hydrogen, Silicon, Nitrogen and Oxygen atoms, in CNTP, for the four standard bases of DNA, A, C, G and T, thus obtaining by quantum chemistry four new compounds, named here as: ASi, CSi, GSi and TSi. Computational calculations admit the possibility of the formation of such molecules, their existence being possible via quantum chemistry. Calculations obtained in the ab initio Unrestricted and Restrict Hartree-Fock method, (UHF and RHF) in the set of basis used Effective core potential (ECP) minimal basis, UHF CEP-31G (ECP split valance) and UHF CEP-121G (ECP triple-split basis), CC-pVTZ (Correlation-consistent valence-only basis sets triple-zeta) and 6-311G**(3df, 3pd) (Gaussian functions quadruple-zeta basis sets).
doi:10.47752/sjsr.41.25.31 fatcat:z3omcccvsnh5pbhgttwohow3iq