An exhaustive numerical assessment of alternative unconditional tests of a binary treatment effect

Chris J. Lloyd, Enrico Ripamonti
2018 Figshare  
For testing the effectiveness of a treatment on a binary outcome, a bewildering range of methods have been proposed. How similar are all these tests? What are their theoretical strengths and weaknesses? Which are to be recommended and what is a coherent basis for deciding? In this paper, we take seven standard but imperfect tests and apply three different methods of adjustment to ensure size control: maximization (M), restricted maximization (B) and bootstrap/estimation (E). Across a wide
more » ... ions, we compute exact size and power of the 7 basic and 21 adjusted tests. We devise two new measures of size bias and intrinsic power, and employ novel graphical tools to summarise a huge set of results. Amongst the 7 basic tests, Liebermeister's test best controls size but can still be conservative. Amongst the adjusted tests, E-tests clearly have the best power and results are very stable across different conditions.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6014189.v1 fatcat:kq7tioxmsjas7l2aeia6lulsea