Computer Simulation of Hydrogen Thermodesorption

Yu. V. Zaika, E. K. Kostikova
2014 Advances in Materials Science and Applications  
In the context of problems of hydrogen and thermonuclear power engineering intensive research is being conducted into ways to protect construction materials against hydrogen corrosion, chemical reactor design, materials suitable for hydrogen storage and transporting. Mathematical models help to specify physical-chemical ideas about the interaction of hydrogen and its isotopes with solids, to discover the limiting factors and to significantly reduce the expenses of experimental research by means
more » ... of numerical simulation for different parameters and experimental conditions (including extreme ones). Classical diffusion models are often insufficient. The paper is devoted to the model and numerical solution of the boundary-value problems of hydrogen thermo desorption taking into account nonlinear sorption-desorption dynamics on the surface and its reversible capture in the bulk. Computational algorithms based on difference approximations and the results of computer simulation of the hydrogen thermo desorption flux from a structural material sample are presented.
doi:10.5963/amsa0303003 fatcat:4k6g64jlijg4rfzx7gh6sw3nxi