New Construction of Z-optimal Type-II Even-length Quadriphase Z-complementary Pairs

Fanxin ZENG, Xiping HE, Zhenyu ZHANG, Li YAN
2022 IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences  
Type-II Z-complementary pairs (ZCPs) play an important role in suppressing asynchronous interference in a wideband wireless communication system where the minimum interfering-signal delay is large. Based on binary Golay complementary pairs (BGCPs) and interleaving technique, new construction for producing Z-optimal Type-II even-length quadriphase ZCPs (EL-QZCPs) is presented, and the resultant pairs have new lengths in the form of 2 × 2 α 10 β 26 γ (α, β, γ non-negative integers), which are not included in existing known Type-II EL-QZCPs.
doi:10.1587/transfun.2022tal0001 fatcat:lvuuduybp5hsngfzpzqwm72eta