Classical Economics and Modern Theory [book]

Heinz D. Kurz
are two well-known economists working in economic theory and the history of economic thought. Their previous collection of essays, Understanding Classical Economics, sparked intriguing debates within economics and this new volume shows the development of the authors' thinking since that book appeared. Areas covered by the book include: • alternative interpretations of classical economists; • new growth theory; • the relationship between Sraffian theory and von Neumann; • the collaboration
more » ... n Sraffa and his mathematical friends; • the treatment of capital in neoclassical long-period theory; • the analysis of exhaustible resources in a 'classical' framework. The essays reprinted in the book contain original findings and new vistas on old problems and show the reader how the different parts hang together. As such the book will be of great interest to every scholar working within the field of economic theory and the history of economic thought.
doi:10.4324/9780203987865 fatcat:p5zay2bjvfab3nbvd65yra5efu