Quantum efficiency and metastable lifetime measurements in ruby ( Cr 3+ : Al2O3) via lock-in rate-window photothermal radiometry

A. Mandelis, Z. H. Chen, R. Bleiss
1994 Journal de Physique IV : Proceedings  
The newly developed photothermal detection technique of rate-window infrared radiometry has been applied to the measurement of the metastable state de-excitation parameters of a ruby laser rod. By applying the photothermal lock-in rate-window concept, the radiative lifetime and quantum efficiency of C?: A1203 have been measured with optimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and simple, unambiguous interpretation from the extremum in the lock-in analyzer in-phase rate-window signal. I.
doi:10.1051/jp4:1994794 fatcat:fsr5h6rrkzc2xnirqmr3roc55u