Ediacaran-Cambrian microbialites of the Southern Amazon Craton: relation with the metazoan rise, sea-level changes, and global tectonics

Afonso César Rodrigues Nogueira, Renan Fernandes dos Santos, Guilherme Raffaeli Romero, José Bandeira, Claudio Riccomini, Ivan Alfredo Romero Barrera, Pedro Augusto Santos da Silva, Joelson Lima Soares, Thomas Fairchild, Anna Andressa Evangelista Nogueira, Ana Maria Góes, Rick Souza de Oliveira (+7 others)
2022 Brazilian Journal of Geology  
Microbialites are the most abundant life evidence in Precambrian sedimentary rocks. They are produced by microbial interaction activity and sedimentary processes reflecting paleoenvironmental conditions. The Ediacaran-Cambrian carbonate and siliciclastic successions in the Southern Amazon Craton in Central Brazil, provide a key opportunity to understand how the metazoan life coexisted with the microbial communities. The spatial and temporal distribution of microbialites as well as morphological
more » ... and paleoenvironmental changes have been assessed, reinterpreting previous works and including new data from the Araras-Alto Paraguai and Corumbá basins. The deposition was controlled by subsidence and sea-level changes that affected these basins, considered extensions of epicontinental seas during the Gondwana assembly. The stromatolites are restricted to coastal deposits and experienced thriving flourishment intervals after the Marinoan Glaciation (635 Ma). Post-glacial transgression was marked by microbial colonization in shallow platforms represented by stratiform and giant domical stromatolites in the Araras-Alto Paraguai Basin. The continuity of the transgression generated a moderately deep aragonite sea at about 622 Ma. A progressive sea-level fall caused the implantation of coastal environments under greenhouse conditions with tidal flat and sabkha settings colonized by centimetric-scale stromatolites. The sea retreat was accompanied by progressive uplift, causing a moderate inversion of the basin and erosion of the succession until ~560 Ma with the deposition of the last preserved tidal flat deposits with the occurrence of thrombolites. The subsiding Corumbá Basin was the site of microbially-induced deposition of carbonates in a shallow platform connected to an offshore setting with the proliferation of metazoan straddling the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary. Microbial communities were restricted to lagoon deposits during the Lower Cambrian transgression in the Araras-Alto Paraguai Basin and the last phase re [...]
doi:10.1590/2317-4889202220210065 doaj:d23ace792fde4b819a543fdc42247b02 fatcat:5xz3eucrsffdvf62wfilyzosba