A Secure Model to Establish Trust Relationships in Web Services for Virtual Organizations [chapter]

E. R. Mello, M. S. Wangham, J. S. Fraga, R. J. Rabelo
IFIP — The International Federation for Information Processing  
This paper introduces a model making use of the security proposals based on Web Services architecture that aims to provide guarantees authentication and authorization transfer among different security domains. The model describes a flexible, scalable and secure way to establish trust relationships among Virtual Organization partners and to assign the access rights or roles to each partner in the VO. This model serves as a mediator for the interoperability among of security technologies that are found in a Collaborative Network.
doi:10.1007/0-387-29360-4_19 dblp:conf/ifip5-5/MelloWFR05 fatcat:kompavr4yfbcxbqtkifvfgfkby