Surprising Relations between Parametric Level Correlations and Fidelity Decay

H. Kohler, I. E. Smolyarenko, C. Pineda, T. Guhr, F. Leyvraz, T. H. Seligman
2008 Physical Review Letters  
Unexpected relations between fidelity decay and cross form--factor, i.e., parametric level correlations in the time domain are found both by a heuristic argument and by comparing exact results, using supersymmetry techniques, in the framework of random matrix theory. A power law decay near Heisenberg time, as a function of the relevant parameter, is shown to be at the root of revivals recently discovered for fidelity decay. For cross form--factors the revivals are illustrated by a numerical study of a multiply kicked Ising spin chain.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.100.190404 pmid:18518429 fatcat:b7x4zlz3ovhrhnbg3eh3h3glji