Исследование сильно легированных эпитаксиальных пленок n-3C-SiC, выращенных методом сублимации на основе полуизолирующих подложек 6H-SiC

А.А. Лебедев, В.Ю. Давыдов, И.А. Елисеев, С.П. Лебедев, И.П. Никитина, Г.А. Оганесян, А.Н. Смирнов, Л.В. Шахов
2022 Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov  
Heavily doped 3C-SiC films based on semi-insulating 6H-SiC substrates were obtained by sublimation epitaxy. The structural perfection of the obtained samples was monitored by X-ray diffractometry. The measurements of the photoluminescence and Hall effect spectra have confirmed the rather high perfection of the obtained epitaxial layers.
doi:10.21883/ftp.2022.02.51966.9752 fatcat:u46ekzjfdfd7vjk2ibilj4463y