Specii de Digitalis L. în Grădina Botanică Națională – aspecte de conservare și cultivare ex-situ

Mihaela Munteanu, Stefan Belous, Tatiana Izverscaia, Veaceslav Ghendov, Nina Ciocarlan, Alexandru Ciubotaru", National Botanical Garden (Institute), "Alexandru Ciubotaru" National Botanical Garden (Institute), "Alexandru Ciubotaru" National Botanical Garden (Institute), "Alexandru Ciubotaru" National Botanical Garden (Institute), "Alexandru Ciubotaru" National Botanical Garden (Institute)
2021 Journal of Botany  
The paper presents scientific data on 4 species of the genus Digitalis L. (D. lanata Ehrh., D. grandiflora Mill., D. purpurea L. and D. ferruginea L.). The bibliographic study was performed regarding the multiplication methods, biological aspects and the conservation strategies of rare species. Phenological observations and biometric measurements were performed and the behavior of the plants under cultivation conditions was monitored. The preliminary results demonstrated the perspective of ex-situ cultivation and conservation.
doi:10.52240/1857-2367.2020.2(21).27 fatcat:h6hxfg2ekzhfhb7czazud2pjga