A Study of Electroless NiCr Alloy Plating Baths

Ikuo NAKAYAMA, Makoto FUKAWA, Takayuki HOMMA, Tetsuya OSAKA
1992 Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan  
Electroless plating baths for NiCr alloy film deposition were investigated. The baths contain Cr-complex, which is obtained in the reduction of chromium (VI) oxide with citric acid. Higher concentrations of reductant than in the case of conventional electroless Ni baths are used in the bath ; dimethylamineborane for the NiCrB bath and sodium hypophosphite for the NiCrP bath, respectively. The NiCrB film plated from the bath contains up to 1.7 at. % of codeposited Cr. Although virtually no Cr
more » ... codeposited from the NiCrP bath, it was possible to obtain NiCrP films with 1.0 at. % Cr codeposited by using electrolysis in combination. Despite the low Cr content, the specific resistance of the NiCrB and NiCrP films showed the heat-dependence behavior that differed markedly from that of conventional electroless Ni alloy films. The above behavior suggests the effect of Cr codeposition. * Cr-complex contains equal molar quantity of Cr and citric acid. Bath pH was adjusted with NaOH or H2SO4.
doi:10.4139/sfj.43.835 fatcat:eggv33jzhjeutjr2ewn7iw6awu