Udržitelnost veřejných financí a dynamická efektivnost

Vratislav Izák
2008 Politicka Ekonomie  
In the last years there has been a growing discrepancy between gross domestic product and gross disposable income (more than a double of government budget deficit in 2006)in favour of non-residents. The difference between the real interest rate and the rate of growth of GDP has been negative in 2000-2006 and is expected to be negative in the near future suggesting that even a small deficit in primary budget balance can stabilize the debt ratio (30 % of GDP). But in a world of uncertainty even
more » ... the Czech republic the capital sector is on net a spout and not a sink (the profit rate has been higher than the investment rate in 1995-2008). Hence the czech economy seems to be dynamically efficient and an increase in national saving is necessary.
doi:10.18267/j.polek.635 fatcat:pokva63bizep7h6zolov5zftqu