Cornu cutaneum of Pinna

Satish Kumar C, Bharathi K V, Kumaran Ramesh Colbert, Sophia A
2019 Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery  
Introduction Cornu cutaneum is a nodule of dense keratin, resembling the horn of animals, an uncommon clinical condition predominantly seen in elderly men, and even rare to be seen on the pinna. Case Report A 70 year old man, presented with a horn like swelling on the left pinna for 2 years. The lesion was excised and histopathological examination did not show any underlying or associated conditions. Discussion The cause of worry here is not the disfigurement, but the probability of underlying
more » ... remalignant or malignant condition. Exposure to sunlight is considered as the etiology. Ours being a tropical country where exposure to sunlight could not be avoided, a high clinical vigil and early intervention is recommended to reduce the mortality and morbidity from the spectrum of diseases resembling this condition.
doi:10.47210/bjohns.2019.v27i2.248 fatcat:tsmfacrijff7bfb5i4mlt53etu