セッションV/ロボット・マニピュレータ (2)

Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass (MIDCAB) requires surgeons the precision of hand skill and the mental concentration, since it needs to work on beating hearts. We propose a surgical robot system that compensates motions of organs during operations. The motion canceling robot system includes three technologies; visual stabilization, motion stabilization and master-slave. The visual stabilization provides the surgeon with the image of stabilized target point on the monitor. The
more » ... geon operates the master robot referring to the stabilized image. The motion stabilization, on the other hand, controls the slave robot being synchronized with the heart beat. Master-slave transforms the master motion and controls the slave robot. In this paper, we verify the effectiveness of master-slave system with the motion cancelator.
doi:10.5759/jscas1999.2.163 fatcat:3cgcbr4plvbdfj5dztfr5gersi