Passive single-mode wavelength division (de)multiplexers for short-link multiwavelength applications in field environments

Xuegong Deng, Feng Zhao, Jizuo Zou, Ray T. Chen, William W. Morey, James W. Horwitz, Victor I. Villavicencio, George Chang, Ray Collins, Ray T. Chen, George F. Lipscomb
2001 WDM and Photonic Switching Devices for Network Applications II  
We construct a passive grating-based wavelength-division (de)multiplexer (MUXIDMUX) for single-mode-fiber networks. The MUXIDMUX has almost identical bi-directional filtering characteristics on optical signals at wavelengths around 1550nm. With total insertion loss less than 3dB and an enlarged passing band of each channel, the encapsulated device exhibits very stable performance under temperature variation and is immune from mechanical vibration. The insertion loss of this device changes about
more » ... 1dB at temperatures from 25° C to 600 C, while the center wavelength of each channel drifts about 8.3 x lOnm/(nm .°C ) . Better results are expected with further optimization on the design. The device successfully demultiplexes 231 1 PRBS signals up to 3.5Gb/s per channel in an emulated amplifier-free local-area networks (LAN's) and metropolitan-area networks (MAN's) transmission. It is plausible the cost-effective MUX/DEMUX is an excellent candidate to meet 10Gb/s all-optical multi-wavelength short-link applications.
doi:10.1117/12.424835 fatcat:funljzotczfrvbysimjca3o6hi