Magnetoelastic coupling inDyMn2O5via infrared spectroscopy

J. Cao, L. I. Vergara, J. L. Musfeldt, A. P. Litvinchuk, Y. J. Wang, S. Park, S.-W. Cheong
2008 Physical Review B  
We investigated the infrared-active phonons in DyMn 2 O 5 as a function of temperature and magnetic field in order to elucidate the magnetic ordering-induced lattice distortions. Spin-lattice coupling in this geometrically frustrated multiferroic is evidenced by small frequency shifts of several phonon modes at various magnetic ordering temperatures, vibrational frequency shifts between 60 and 65 K from which we extract large coupling constants, and magnetic-field dependence of numerous
more » ... We analyze these results in terms of local lattice distortions and discuss the consequences for the ferroelectric polarization and magnetodielectric effect.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.78.064307 fatcat:xpevs2snd5hcdppkmyq3skn2du