Sample-Entropy-Based Method for Real Driving Fatigue Detection with Multichannel Electroencephalogram

Tao Zhang, Jichi Chen, Enqiu He, Hong Wang
2021 Applied Sciences  
Safe driving plays a crucial role in public health, and driver fatigue causes a large proportion of crashes in road driving. Hence, this paper presents the development of an efficient system to determine whether a driver is fatigued during real driving based on 14-channel EEG signals. The complexity of the EEG signal is then quantified with the sample entropy method. Finally, we explore the performance of multiple kernel-based algorithms based on sample entropy features for classifying fatigue
more » ... nd normal subjects by only analyzing noninvasive scalp EEG signals. Experimental results show that the highest classification accuracy of 97.2%, a sensitivity of 95.6%, a specificity of 98.9%, a precision of 98.9%, and the highest AUC value of 1 are achieved using SampEn feature and cubic SVM classifier (SCS Model). It is hence concluded that SampEn is an effectively distinguishing feature for classifying normal and fatigue EEG signals. The proposed system may provide us with a new and promising approach to monitoring and detecting driver fatigue at a relatively low computational cost.
doi:10.3390/app112110279 doaj:7feb3d8ba61c499e816d6696738eb350 fatcat:xxqe4qhmivbgzcpsr3qt5kus6i