Belma Kunalić, Alisa Mujkić, Jasmin Jusić, Mirna Pajević, Dženan Rovčanin
2016 Ekonomski Vjesnik  
All recent research proves that emotional intelligence is the forecast of achieving leader effectiveness. This study comprises research of respondents from private and public companies within ten existing cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Respondents graded emotional intelligence competencies of their leaders and their efficiency in leading a group of people in order to achieve organizational demands. We succeeded in confirming prior research through the regression model and
more » ... roved that the existing questionnaires developed in the western context can be applied in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After determining the internal consistency through Cronbach Alpha indicators (α=.844 and α=.734) in existing questionnaires with two regression models and R-square of .547 we succeeded in confirming the hypothesis of this research, according to which the leader's competence in emotional intelligence has a positive impact on his/her effectiveness in fulfilling organizational demands and on the ability to manage an efficient team.
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