Polyphenols in Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. fruits and the plant extracts antioxidant capacity evaluation

Christina Zălaru, Claudia C. Crişan, Ioan Călinescu, Zenovia Moldovan, Isabela Ţârcomnicu, Simona C. Litescu, Rodica Tatia, Lucia Moldovan, Daniel Boda, Mircea Iovu
2014 Central European Journal of Chemistry  
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. is a native from North America. In Romania it is commonly cultivated for ornament in gardens [1]. From blossoms or the aerial part of the plant during flowering soluble pigments are extracted and used for coloring textiles [2]. North American Indians have used the plant to treat several disorders including diarrhea, internal pains, bleeding, to strengthen blood and as an emetic. Coreopsis tinctoria's use has been referred in a traditional Chinese formula for diabetes
more » ... nce Yuan Dynasty. The infusion of Coreopsis Central European Journal of Chemistry Polyphenols in Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. fruits and the plant extracts antioxidant capacity evaluation
doi:10.2478/s11532-014-0539-x fatcat:7gztsjz5jbf7nc6cmjurqlrdu4