Role of Tourism in the development of India

Santhosh Kumar
In the 21st century, tourism have an active role to play in the development of Nation by transforming the economic and social structure (Jaswa, 2014). Tourism industry will impact political, cultural and social activities in a particular area. Thus this branch of economy will impact the different branches of the economy due to multiplier effect. The economic benefits of the tourism industry are many as tourist is a goods consumer and a services beneficiary. It influences housing industry, hotel
more » ... industry, and transportation industry and generates employment directly and indirectly. Economic impact of tourists' expenditure contributes directly to other industries as well as supports State budget indirectly in the form of tax, fee etc
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.15057117.v1 fatcat:qjonu4cmo5dblgk7hd5goggrwa