Seksuaalivähemmistöjen tiedontarpeet ja tiedonhankinta

Maija Seppä
2008 Informaatiotutkimus  
Seksuaalivähemmistöjen tiedontarpeet ja tiedonhankinta Maija Seppä: Seksuaalivähemmistöjen tiedontarpeet ja tiedonhankinta [The information needs and information seeking paterns of sexual minorities] Informaatiotutkimus 26(3), pp. 76-86. This article is based on my master's thesis. The aim of this article is to clarify the information needs and information seeking of LGB (=lesbian, gay, bisexual) communities in Finland. The research in the fi eld of everyday information seeking was carried out
more » ... y interviewing 15 persons, men and women who identifi ed themselves as lesbians, gays or bisexuals. The interviews were performed in the Internet by using chat/Messenger, the instant messaging programmes. The study draws on Kirsty Williamson's "ecological model of information seeking". As a result, during the coming out process the information needed was at the common level and almost all kind of information related to sexuality was accepted. In the stable state of sexuality the information needed was much more specifi c. The most used information source was the Internet. Interviewees considered the Internet pages not always informative enough, and in their opinion the material needed wasn't easily available. Some of the interviewees were satisfi ed with the collections of the library but most of them were dissatisfi ed with the amount and quality of the material available in libraries. Friends were not so often consulted as information sources than they have been in the earlier research. Address: Maija Seppä,
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