Dual-channel Supply Chain Pricing Decisions under Network Sales Efficiency and Equity

Mei-xiang Wu, Cheng-dong Shi, Qiang Sun
2019 International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science  
Considering the difference in the efficiency of direct selling and e-commerce online sales, this paper takes the manufacture-led dual-channel supply chain as the research object and takes no fair concern as the benchmark to analyze the influence of network marketing efficiency and fair concern mode on the pricing decision of dual-channel supply chain. The research results show that: with the improvement of the network sales efficiency of manufacturers, under the non-dual-member equity concerns
more » ... N, M and R modes), both the selling price of e-commerce and the direct selling price of manufacturers will be reduced, and the price reduction rate of manufacturers is faster than that of e-commerce. Under the dual-fair concern (MR) model, the selling price of e-commerce will be reduced, but whether the direct selling price of manufacturers will be reduced depends on the degree of fair concern of both sides. The leading party's equity concern will reduce the impact of network sales efficiency on price reduction, while the follower's equity concern will enhance the impact of network sales efficiency on price reduction. In addition, the influence of network marketing efficiency on price reduction and speed reduction of manufacturers in MR mode is simulated.
doi:10.22161/ijaers.68.18 fatcat:elurw2y6vnc7doz6t4humn77je