Distribution of fresh water diatom valves in the surface sediments off the Tokachi-gawa, Teshio-gawa and Ishikari-gawa, Hokkaido, Japan

Tsumoru Sagayama
2006 Chishitsugaku zasshi  
Surface marine sediments seaward of the Tokachi-gawa, Teshio-gawa and Ishikari-gawa, the three biggest rivers in Hokkaido, were analysed to determine the distribution of fresh-water diatom valves that were transported to the sea by the rivers. Samples were collected from marine sediments a few cm below the seafloor. Three relationships with the percentage of fresh water valves were examined distance from the river mouth, distance from shore line, and water depth. The results of this
more » ... n show that the percentage of fresh water diatom valves gradually decreases offshore from river mouths, and author believes their distribution being inferred to be controlled by sea water is a significant datum for the current research in coastal area. Abstract CThe Geological Society of Japan 2006 594
doi:10.5575/geosoc.112.594 fatcat:loklueo25nf4ngchlhd7zrncsq