EP-1122: Efficacy and safety of stereotactic reirradiation for recurrent brain metastases

F. Meniai-Merzouki, S. Maillard, B. Coche-Dequéant, T. Boulanger, E. Tresch, F. Crop, T. Lacornerie, E.F. Lartigau
2016 Radiotherapy and Oncology  
Results: A total of 26 lesions were included in the analysis. Median follow-up was 14 months (3-41 months). Thirteen were metastatic lesions with histology as breast cancer, medulloblastoma, adenoid cystic among others. Response rates were: 31% complete response and partial response / stable at 69%. 13 benign lesions highlighting arteriovenous malformations, neurofibroma and melanocytoma. Response rates for this group: complete response in 8%, partial response / stable at 92%. During the
more » ... up time only 5 patients had relapsed 100% to distance. Median overall average dose was 21 Gy (14-35 Gy), the median was three fractions (1-5 Fractions), median prescription isodose was 83% (77-88%) with an average coverage of 97.27% (93.13-100%). There were no data as myelopathy ≥ Grade II associated to treatment in the whole cohort, the most common symptom after treatment was fatigue. Conclusion: The treatment of intraspinal tumors with imageguided robotic SBRT, has proven to be a feasible,safe and effective option for treatment, where treatment options are scarce. In our experience, the data are encouraging and comparable with those reported by other authors.
doi:10.1016/s0167-8140(16)32372-6 fatcat:kplvkjzp7baalka5awcv42fvye