Grafting in Horticultural Crop Species: Effective Pest and Disease Management Technique with Potential in Michoacan, Mexico [chapter]

Juan Carlos Álvarez-Hernández
2019 Horticulture [Working Title]  
The grafting technique is an effective alternative in crop management, specifically for the management of pests and soil pathogens; therefore, it has been recognized in all agricultural areas, which makes the a horticultural production technique more respectful with the environment. In general, this technique has been widely used in fruit growing; however, it has also been of great importance in the production of vegetables worldwide. In vegetables, the same principles applied to the grafting
more » ... fruit trees are followed, as well as specific requirements, such as controlled climatic conditions and greater care. In Michoacan, Mexico, by the phytosanitary condition in cucurbits, Solanaceae, and Caricaceae, the use of rootstocks with specific resistance characteristics offers an option for the recovery of soils, without repercussion in the environment. Although in Mexico this technique has been little exploited, in Michoacan, it is innovative in crops of Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Caricaceae. The use of grafted plants helps to improve the conditions of the crop, but also, if this technique is included in a program of integrated management of pests and diseases, it ensures the success of the production.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.89288 fatcat:3ixb323smfaq3fwl5eoxmpjamy