IV The Circulation Processes of Latin American Literatures [chapter]

2021 How Is World Literature Made?  
This first and definitely decisive stage of international reception has been intensively studied over the course of the last decades and has developed into the stock theme of Latin American literature of the 1960s, which is why I do not examine it further here. 104 William Marling (2016) emphasizes how significant certain important people and particular life stages were for the world literary career of the Colombian Nobel Prize winner. Marling has mapped out which gatekeepers influenced García
more » ... árquez's successes. To name just a few examples: García Márquez's friend Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza; the writers' group in Baranquilla; Carlos Fuentes, as an older writer; an interview with Luis Harss; the literary agent Carmen Balcells; but also various governments and media conglomerates, as well as the cult surrounding the translator Gregory Rabassa.
doi:10.1515/9783110748383-004 fatcat:lj5wlqicuzd3vptlkbasobstcy