Application of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Images: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Literature Review

Qingxu Huang, Xi Yang, Bin Gao, Yang Yang, Yuanyuan Zhao
2014 Remote Sensing  
Since the release of the digital archives of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Line Scanner (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light data in 1992, a variety of datasets based on this database have been produced and applied to monitor and analyze human activities and natural phenomena. However, differences among these datasets and how they have been applied may potentially confuse researchers working with these data. In this paper, we review the ways in which data from DMSP/OLS nighttime
more » ... ht images have been applied over the past two decades, focusing on differences in data processing, research trends, and the methods used among the different application areas. Five main datasets extracted from this database have led to many studies in various research areas over the last 20 years, and each dataset has its own strengths and limitations. The number of publications based on this database and the diversity of authors and institutions involved have shown promising growth. In addition, researchers have accumulated vast experience OPEN ACCESS Remote Sens. 2014, 6 6845 retrieving data on the spatial and temporal dynamics of settlement, demographics, and socioeconomic parameters, which are "hotspot" applications in this field. Researchers continue to develop novel ways to extract more information from the DMSP/OLS database and apply the data to interdisciplinary research topics. We believe that DMSP/OLS nighttime light data will play an important role in monitoring and analyzing human activities and natural phenomena from space in the future, particularly over the long term. A transparent platform that encourages data sharing, communication, and discussion of extraction methods and synthesis activities will benefit researchers as well as public and political stakeholders.
doi:10.3390/rs6086844 fatcat:bs4aloqrprgrddtkemznubu4oa