Pacific-type orogenic belts: linking evolution of oceans, active margins and intra-plate magmatism

Inna Safonova, Shigenori Maruyama, Nikolai Kruk, Olga Obut, Pavel Kotler, Olga Gavryushkina, Sergey Khromykh, Maxim Kuibida, Sergey Krivonogov
2018 Episodes  
Pacific-type orogens (fold belts) hosting accretionary complexes are places keeping records of the evolution of paleo-oceans, and formation and transformation of continental crust at their active convergent margins. Pacific-type orogeny induces destruction of crustal materials, their subduction to the deep mantle, generation of hydrouscarbonated plumes in the mantle transition zone (MTZ) and its related intra-plate magmatism. We propose a new approach for linking paleo-oceans, active margins
more » ... intra-plate magmatism in central and eastern Asia. The approach "stands" on three "whales": the model of Ocean Plate Stratigraphy (OPS), the parameters of Pacific-type convergent margins and a model of hydrous-carbonated plumes. The OPS model evolved from extensive studies of accretionary complexes in the western Pacific, in particular, in Japan; it allows differentiating oceanic plates of one paleoocean and evaluating their sizes and ages. An important issue for reconstructing the history of paleo-oceans is to estimate major parameters of the Pacific-type convergent margins: accreting vs. eroding, geometrical length, and life time. For the eroding margins we must define major periods of tectonic erosion and transportation of oceanic and continental materials to the deep mantle and evaluate a possibility of their accumulation in the MTZ. All this would allow us to develop a holistic model linking the evolution of paleooceans, the accretion and erosion of oceanic and continental crust materials at Pacific-type convergent margins, mantle metasomatism and intra-plate magmatism.
doi:10.18814/epiiugs/2018/018008 fatcat:sypdfebocfd4zfwjivucmseb44