Twist for Snyder space

Daniel Meljanac, Stjepan Meljanac, Salvatore Mignemi, Danijel Pikutić, Rina Štrajn
2018 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
We construct the twist operator for the Snyder space. Our starting point is a non-associative star product related to a Hermitian realisation of the noncommutative coordinates originally introduced by Snyder. The corresponding coproduct of momenta is non-coassociative. The twist is constructed using a general definition of the star product in terms of a bi-differential operator in the Hopf algebroid approach. The result is given by a closed analytical expression. We prove that this twist
more » ... ces the correct coproducts of the momenta and the Lorentz generators. The twisted Poincaré symmetry is described by a non-associative Hopf algebra, while the twisted Lorentz symmetry is described by the undeformed Hopf algebra. This new twist might be important in the construction of different types of field theories on Snyder space.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5657-8 fatcat:o7o75s5o5nad3ghca5xxue3b4m