Adsorption of Carbon Monoxide (CO) on ZSM-5 Membrane in Smoking Area

Inas Hasna Azizah, Tatut Mindhumalid, Ana Hidayati Mukaromah
2017 El-Hayah  
This research aimed to investigate the ability of ZSM-5 in absorbing cigarette smoke to reduce CO level in smoking area. The research method are according to Gao, 2011 and Mukaromah 2014. The results were characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD), FTR and SEM. The absorbance test was conducted by placing the gauze absorbed into the enclosed space with volume 18.000 cm<sup>3</sup>containing CO from cigarette smoke. The research was reached the stage of inorganic and organic substances leaching
more » ... and oxidized in electrochemistry in H2SO4 to 20%. Zeolite zsm-5 membrane has the ability to absorb CO with the decline in CO on the highest levels the surface area of 25 cm<sup>2</sup> to the time contact 30 minutes is 0.50 %.
doi:10.18860/elha.v6i2.4533 fatcat:gmbpzvmnpbbhbnqhg4ty73cwya