The design and synthesis of inhibitors of the mitotic human kinesin, Eg5 [thesis]

Murad Najib. Abualhasan
Very special thanks to the management and all staff of Tesco St. Rollox-Glasgow for being very kind and supportive to me during my part-time job with them. Working with this company helped me with some financial support and was a rich experience for me. Lastly, I would like to thank my family in Palestine for all their love and encouragement, to my parents, brothers and sisters for their endless spiritual support, and most of all for my loving, supportive, encouraging, and patient wife Hadeel
more » ... r her faithful support during all stages of my Ph.D. To my beloved daughter Mayar, my sons Abdullah and Mohammed; I am very sorry for giving you so little time throughout my busy PhD.
doi:10.48730/a5eg-4j25 fatcat:rajwmvkp4vaxnbeyg4vko6zzqa