Mechanisms Regulating Feed Intake, Energy Expenditure, and Body Weight in Poultry

M. P. Richards, M. Proszkowiec-Weglarz
2007 Poultry Science  
To achieve energy balance and maintain a constant BW, changes in feed intake and energy expenditure must be coordinated and tightly regulated. This may not hold true for some poultry species intensively selected for such economically important traits as growth and meat production. For example, the modern commercial broiler breeder does not adequately control voluntary feed intake to meet its energy requirements and maintain energy balance. As a consequence, feeding must be limited in these
more » ... to avoid overconsumption and excessive fattening during production. It is important to determine a genetic basis to help explain this situation and to offer potential strategies for producing more efficient poultry. This review summarizes what is currently known about the control of feed intake and energy expenditure at the gene level in birds. Highly integrated regulatory systems have been identified that link the control of feeding with the sensing of energy status. How such systems function in poultry is currently being explored. One example recently identified in chickens is the adeno-
doi:10.1093/ps/86.7.1478 pmid:17575199 fatcat:5thzuqrsjvfxnmh5ujha3lck34