Factors Affecting Recovery of Consciousness After Seizures

J Gordon Millichap
2007 Pediatric Neurology Briefs  
Linear regression analysis was used to determine factors that influenced recovery time in 90 children aged 1-16 years (median age 6 years) treated for seizures with impairment of consciousness at Leeds General Infirmary, UK. In a total of 41 patients with complete coma scores, median time for full recovery of consciousness was 38 min. In patients with febrile seizures, median recovery time was 18 min, significantly shorter than for seizures of other etiologies (P<0.05). Recovery times were 1.35
more » ... hrs for idiopathic seizures, 1.25 hrs for remote symptomatic seizures, and 4.57 hrs for acute symptomatic seizures. Patients treated with benzodiazepines had significantly longer median recovery times (3.46 hrs) than those not receiving benzodiazepines (0.47 hr); P<0.05. Factors not affecting recovery time included age, sex, seizure type and duration. (Allen JE, Ferrie CD, Livingston JH, Feltbower RG. Recovery of consciousness after epileptic seizures in children. Arch Dis Child Jan 2007;92:39-42).
doi:10.15844/pedneurbriefs-21-1-5 fatcat:tzjcw6onofegpbyqdy4zmsmide