Experimental Investigation on Drip Irrigation using Moisture Sensor

Ramya. K. M
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The continuously increasing population in India demands for the rapid improvement in food production technology. Indian economy is mainly based on agriculture. Water is the main resource for agriculture. Production can be increased through the adoption of technologies like drip irrigation and plastic mulching, which increases the water use efficiency and fertilizer use efficiency. The conventional drip irrigation system is fully controlled and monitored by the farmer. This paper presents a
more » ... automated drip irrigation system which is controlled and monitored by using moisture detecting sensors and water required for the crops is automatically supplied with the help of sensors. It reduces the manpower needed and the same time increases the yield with less amount of water.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.8177 fatcat:3rlpgh4ycnaqxifxluiz2qjtri