Theoretical and experimental research on cryogenic Yb:YAG regenerative amplifier

卢兴华 Xinghua Lu, 王江峰 Jiangfeng Wang, 李响 Xiang Li, 姜有恩 Youen Jiang, 范薇 Wei Fan, 李学春 Xuechun Li
2011 Chinese Optics Letters (COL)  
Based on the theory of quasi-three-level rate equations modified by amplified spontaneous emission, the stored energy density and the small signal gain of the cryogenic Yb:YAG regenerative amplifier for a given geometry for pulsed pumping in three dimensions are theoretically studied using the Monte Carlo simulation. The present model provides a straightforward procedure to design the Yb:YAG parameters and the optical coupling system for optimization when running at cryogenic temperature. A
more » ... r-coupled laser diode end-pumped cryogenic Yb:YAG regenerative amplifier running at 1 030 nm is demonstrated with a maximum output energy 10.2 mJ at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. A very good agreement between the experiments and the theoretical model is achieved.
doi:10.3788/col201109.111401 fatcat:dc4fntjaqzenvamokj3h7b45uy