Electrochemical Amperometric Biosensors Based on Directly Synthesized Carbon Nanotube Electrodes

2009 Sensors and materials  
In recent years, label-free detections of biomolecules have attracted great attention in many fi elds of life science such as genomics, clinical diagnosis, and practical pharmacy. In this article, we review electrochemical amperometric biosensors based on carbon nanotube (CNT) electrodes. In electrochemical detections, CNT electrodes promote electron transfer reactions on CNT surfaces. Since CNTs have a large specifi c surface area, the direct synthesization of CNTs on electrodes in
more » ... biosensors is expected to signifi cantly enhance electroactive surface area. In this review, we discuss the technology and performance of the electrochemical biosensors based on CNT electrodes and describe microfl udic chips with multibiosensors based on CNT electrodes for commercialization.
doi:10.18494/sam.2009.598 fatcat:zykhar6yxnfuflwyqxswgp2fxy