PHN volume 21 issue 17 Cover and Front matter

2018 Public Health Nutrition  
Public Health Nutrition provides an international forum for the publication and dissemination of research and scholarship in the form of peer-reviewed original papers and reviews, and for discussion in the form of editorials, commentaries, and correspondence, with a specific focus on nutrition-related public health. The scope of Public Health Nutrition encompasses nutrition and nutrition policy at a population level, including work on assessment of nutritional status and nutritional
more » ... , communication of nutrition-related information, implementation of programs and interventions, and sustainability of dietary patterns, food systems and supplies. We welcome papers that: • Address assessment, monitoring, and surveillance of nutritional status or the quality of nutritional environments • Describe the development and evaluation of methodology for assessment, monitoring, and surveillance in population-based samples • Identify and analyse behavioural, social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political determinants of nutrition-related public health, and dietary and nutritional factors as determinants of health outcomes
doi:10.1017/s1368980018003191 fatcat:b6iho2gzozec3d6haxrk2n6q2m