Post translational modification of duplicated ribosomal protein paralogs promotes alternative translation and drug resistance [article]

Mustafa Malik-Ghulam, Mathieu Catala, Michelle S. Scott, Sherif Abou Elela
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
AbstractRibosomes are often seen as monolithic machines produced from uniformly regulated genes. However, in yeast most ribosomal proteins are produced from duplicated genes. Here, we demonstrate that gene duplications may serve as a stress response mechanism that modulates the global proteome through differential post-translational modification of ribosomal proteins paralogs. Our data indicate that the yeast paralog pair of the ribosomal protein L7/uL30 produces two differentially acetylated
more » ... oteins. Under normal conditions most ribosomes incorporate the hypo-acetylated 'major' form favoring the translation of genes with short open reading frames. Exposure to drugs, on the other hand, increases the production of ribosomes carrying the hyper-acetylated minor paralog that increases translation of long reading frames. Many of these genes encode cell wall proteins that increase drug resistance in a programed change in translation equilibrium. Together the data reveal a mechanism of translation control through the differential fates of near-identical ribosomal protein isoforms.
doi:10.1101/2021.10.06.463374 fatcat:e6lpnbfndvh37ec5zfp5rxb2rq