Udin Kamiludin
2019 ELT Echo: The Journal of English Language Teaching in Foreign Language Context  
This paper discusses the issues of motivational orientation, learner types and their relationship with English Language Proficiency among the students of semester one in the academic year 2018 / 2019 at the State Institute of Islamic Studies Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon. It is a survey research. The data were obtained through the questionnaires i.e. the Attitude / Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) developed by R.C Gardner, and "How do you learn best?" adapted from K. Willing's model. And the
more » ... Test of English was designed adopting the TOEFL model. The statistical software such as SPSS was employed to analyze the data. The results show most of the participants are instrumentally motivated learner and are communicative as well as teacheroriented types, and majority of them are of medium level of English Language Proficiency. Furthermore, the findings reveal that an integrative motivated learners scored better than instrumentally motivated learners in English Language Proficiency Test. This means motivation correlates with English Language Proficiency. Whereas, learning style does not correlate with English Language Proficiency. However, the result of correlation test confirms the r score (0.456) is more than t table score (0.2441); which means the H0 hypothesis is rejected. Thus, Motivation and Learning Style correlate with English Language Proficiency. The findings led to conduct further research on motivating students as to improve their level of English language proficiency. BACKGROUND Educators and researchers have been recognizing the two important factors that affect the process of learning and teaching. They are institutional and individual factors. The institutional factors include philosophy of teaching and program, school's organization culture and how it maintains the quality of teaching and learning, curriculum, teacher's competence and teaching strategies, the size and environment of the class, the learning resources (for instance libraries, laboratories and information technology) available and used, learning environment ( in and outside the classroom) that supports intra and extra-curricular activities, learning assessment process and feedback. Whereas, Kamiludidn, Motivation and Learning Style| 2 the learner's factor involve, attitude, interest, aptitude, desire, effort, motivation, orientation to learn, approaches to learning, learning style, learning strategy, learner's views on the school program, order of language study and bilingualism, study habits, gender, age, intelligence, anxiety, and in the wider context social environment that surrounds the school contribute significantly to learning and teaching process.
doi:10.24235/eltecho.v4i1.4218 fatcat:w4rzgnplfzbebfvdgokhn45qkq