How well do women recall past contraceptive use? A pilot study

Anja Katharina Guttinger, Zhong Eric Chen
2009 Journal of family planning and reproductive health care  
and methodology Many women use a variety of contraceptive methods during their reproductive lives. Investigating this exposure is one of the most frequently performed epidemiological investigations. Accurate recall of methods used, as well as validating this information, can be difficult. A pilot study compared recalled contraceptive use over 5 years with that documented in the case notes of 30 women. Results 47% of episodes of method use were accurately recalled to the month of starting method
more » ... use; this figure rose to 94% when episodes with disagreement within ±12 months were also considered. Similarly, 44% and 91% of episodes were accurately recalled to the month and within ±12 months of stopping method use, respectively. Accuracy of recall for duration of use followed a similar pattern. 7% of users were unable to distinguish between 173 ©FSRH
doi:10.1783/147118909788707922 pmid:19622208 fatcat:f5hmgfd74fezhjzevses7ix5um