Socket shield technique for optimizing aesthetic results of immediate implants

Nour M Alshammari, Ibrahim A Alhawiti, Hassan Koshak, Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
2020 IP International Journal of Periodontology and Implantology  
Loss of alveolar bone may be attributed to various factors, such periodontal diseases, endodontic pathology, facial trauma, and traumatic tooth extraction. Different techniques such as ridge preservation procedures have been proposed to maintain the ridge dimensi on to a certain amount. However, applying these methods to extraction sockets could not completely preserve the coronal part of facial bone walls which were comprised almost entirely of bundle bone. The socket shield technique (SST)
more » ... h immediate implant in esthetic zone provides a promising treatment to better manage these risks and preserve the post-extraction hard and soft tissues. This case report demonstrates the 3-year follow up of the treatment of non-restorable maxillary lateral incisor with the socket shield technique in conjunction with immediate implant placement. How to cite: Alshammari NM, Alhawiti IA, Koshak H. Socket shield technique for optimizing aesthetic results of immediate implants. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2020;5(1):29-32.
doi:10.18231/j.ijpi.2020.007 fatcat:hfdko7diwraq3ktnsbkhr4b4wy