دراسة مقارنة لحقوق المعوقين وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة بين المواثيق الدولية الغربية والسيرة النبوية

Muhammad Iqbal, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan., Muhammad Imran, Hafiz Abdul Rashid, Assistant Professor Islamic Studies The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Pakistan., Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Federal Urdu University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
2018 The Scholar Islamic Academic Research Journal  
Number of disabled persons or persons with special needs, as estimated by the ILO in its 2000 report is more than 610 million people, including 400 million people in developing countries, are estimated at over 15% of the population in each of the world's countries. The civilized world turned in this century to the people of special needs, having thrown aside racist  Assistant Professor, ( ‫يوليو‬ -‫ديسمبر‬ 8102 ‫م‬ ) ‫و‬ ‫المعوقين‬ ‫لحقوق‬ ‫مقارنة‬ ‫دراسة‬ ‫الخاصة‬ ‫االحتياجات‬ ‫ذوي‬ 01 -28
more » ... ories and corrupt calls for neglect, claiming that such deaf, dumb, blind and mentally disabled. The East and the West finally turned to "the idea of integrated care for people with special needs." In light of all this, we see our messenger (PBUH) came mercy for this category and ensured that the ruler ensures the care of people with special needs, health and social, economic, psychological, and works to meet their needs, and the treatment and periodic detection, rehabilitation and education, and the employment of those who care and service. Such as the Prophet's approach to dealing with people with special needs, at a time when the peoples or regimes did not really know this category, so decided the Prophet (PBUH) full and comprehensive care for people with special needs. The research continues to be divided into preface, three sub-chapters and conclusion. The Preface is a statement of the importance of the subject and the reasons for its selection and its emphasis on other subjects. The 1 st sub-chapter discusses the rights of the disabled in the ancient and contemporary Western international conventions. The 2 nd sub-chapter sheds light on the rights of the disabled in the biography of the Prophet (PBUH). The 3 rd sub-chapter is all about a comparative study of the rights of the disabled in the West and Islam. The Conclusion will describe the results of the research, recommendations and suggestions.
doi:10.29370/siarj/issue7ar15 fatcat:4toujbsepveijc73p7dobzvabm