Vijayalaxmi Mallannavar, Shailaja U, Arun Raj GR, Deepthi Viswaroopan, Ashwin Kumar Bharati
2017 International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy  
Objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Karshyahara Yoga on malnutrition in children and also to compare the effect of Karshyahara Yoga and standard control drug on the same. 106 malnourished children of either gender between the age group of 3 to 6 years as per the clinical criteria framed for the study were selected and allocated into two groups of 55 and 51 patients each. 55 malnourished children of group A (trial group) was advised to take Karshyahara Yoga (18 grams) with 10
more » ... ms of ghrita and mixed with sufficient quantity of warm water to make it into a laddu and indicated orally followed by anupana of 150ml of milk with 10 grams of sugar and 5 grams of honey twice daily (morning and evening) for a period of 3 months. 51 malnourished children of group B (control group) was advised to take the control drug -Poshaka laddu mix (ICDS) (18 grams) mixed with little warm water to make it into a laddu and is administered orally, twice daily (morning and evening) for a period of 3 months. After the completion of treatment, children were followed up for one month. It was found that Group A showed highly significant results in subjective parameters such as general weakness, state of hunger, activity or interest as well as in objective parameters such as weight in Kg, height in cm, chest circumference, mid arm circumference and B.M.I when compared with Group B. Karshyahara yoga was proved to be effective for weight gain in children with malnutrition as there is more improvement as compared with control drug.
doi:10.7897/2277-4343.08260 fatcat:ngknfu3hr5e5xoykq2aq7aypi4