Plasma membrane localization of the Toll protein in the syncytial Drosophila embryo: importance of transmembrane signaling for dorsal-ventral pattern formation

C Hashimoto, S Gerttula, K V Anderson
1991 Development  
Formation of the Drosophila embryo's dorsal-ventral pattern requires the maternal product of the Toll gene. DNA sequence and genetic analyses together suggested that the Toll gene product is a transmembrane protein which communicates information from an extracytoplasmic compartment to the cytoplasm. Using antibodies as probes, we show that the Toll protein is a 135 x 10(3) Mr glycoprotein which is tightly associated with embryonic membranes. During the syncytial stage when dorsal-ventral
more » ... y is established, the maternal Toll protein is associated with the plasma membrane around the entire embryo. During later embryonic stages, the Toll protein is expressed zygotically on many cell surfaces, possibly to promote cell adhesion. The plasma membrane localization of the Toll protein in the syncytial embryo suggests that transmembrane signaling from the extracellular perivitelline space to the cytoplasm is required for establishment of the embryonic dorsal-ventral pattern.
pmid:1879347 fatcat:igo64thvwbbcxj44fad4k66mt4