Very high energy gamma-ray emission of NGC 1275 and 3c382 and the possible activity nature of the Seyfert Galaxies

V.G. Sinitsyna, V.Y. Sinitsyna, U. Gensch, M. Walter
2013 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Galaxy NGC 1275 is the central dominant galaxy of the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies and is of Seyfert galaxy class. NGC 1275 is known as powerful X-ray and radio source. In 1996 year a new metagalactic source was detected by SHALON at TeV energies. This object was identified with Seyfert galaxy NGC1275. The image and spectral energy distribution of NGC 1275 as well as 3c382 are presented. The recent detection by the Fermi LAT of gamma-rays from the NGC1275 makes the observation of the energy E >
more » ... 00 GeV part of its broadband spectrum particularly interesting. The available high and very high energy data for NGC 1275 are well fitted in this model with three components. (2013) 35210005 52 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2 0 , which . permits unrestricted use, distributi and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. on,
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20135210005 fatcat:4sippjiadzewnhffhrigubkbgq