Theory and Implementation of RF-Input Outphasing Power Amplification

Taylor W. Barton, David J. Perreault
2015 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques  
Conventional outphasing power amplifier systems require both an RF carrier input and a separate baseband input to synthesize a modulated RF output. This work presents an RF-input / RF-output outphasing power amplifier that directly amplifies a modulated RF input, eliminating the need for multiple costly IQ modulators and baseband signal component separation as in previous outphasing systems. An RF signal decomposition network directly synthesizes the phase-and amplitude-modulated signals used
more » ... drive the branch PAs. With this approach, a modulated RF signal including zero-crossings can be applied to the single RF input port of the outphasing RF amplifier system. The proposed technique is demonstrated at 2.14 GHz in a fourway lossless outphasing amplifier with transmission-line power combiner. The RF decomposition network is implemented using a transmission-line resistance compression network with nonlinear loads designed to provide the necessary amplitude and phase decomposition. The resulting proof-of-concept outphasing power amplifier has a peak CW output power of 93 W, peak drain efficiency of 70%, and performance on par with a previouslydemonstrated outphasing and power combining system requiring four IQ modulators and a digital signal component separator.
doi:10.1109/tmtt.2015.2495358 fatcat:hk5q2cqrbzaklj5byzbwitu4ha