Management and Long-term Follow-up of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Oral/Nasal Airway Dilator System—An "OASYS" of Possibilities

Oommen Nainan, Rahul Tyagi
2021 Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine  
Aim and objective: This article aims to highlight the use of OAT (oral appliance therapy) with an oral/nasal airway dilator system in the treatment of patients with severe OSA, exhibiting non-tolerance with CPAP therapy. Background: CPAP is the gold standard for the treatment of OSA. CPAP treatment for OSA is only effective if the patient is cooperative and willing for the therapy. Unfortunately, due to the often uncomfortable and invasive nature of this treatment method, CPAP has a relatively
more » ... ow compliance rate, ranging from 40 to 70%. This is because CPAP has drawbacks, including discomfort from the mask, a dry or stuffy nose, and eye irritation. Case description: This article reports an interesting case of a 61-year old female with severe OSA and non-tolerance/non-compliance with the CPAP therapy, who was referred by the sleep physician to the orthodontic clinic for evaluation and advice concerning OAT for her OSA. Conclusion: Oral/Nasal Airway Dilator System (OASYS) works both as a nasal dilator and mandibular repositioner and acts by targeting multiple areas of the upper airway from the tip of the nose to the back of the throat. Clinical significance: OASYS stands out from the crowd of oral appliances by adding additional actions and targeting multiple areas of the airway with one convenient appliance and thus offers an effective means of treating severe OSA patients who are non-compliant with the CPAP therapy.
doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10069-0073 fatcat:nhnkf2cmdncvvouzvalivekpye